At Empower Training and Consultancy, we believe that engaged team members are productive employees and willingly expend discretionary effort to meet organisational objectives. Studies have found that one of the key drivers of employee engagement are it's leaders, and on this basis, training programmes in the Leadership Suite are designed to provide leaders with a common leadership language as well as key skills and tools to effectively manage and engage their team members.
We advocate a partnership model where managers partner their team members to achieve individual, team and organisational goals and objectives.
New Leader Programme
The New Leaders Programme equips new managers with the relevant skills and knowledge to effectively engage their employees.
Goal setting, managing expectations, problem solving, communication and influencing skills are taught in the highly interactive and engaging workshop. Participants learn a new leadership language which they are then expected to teach back to their team members post workshop to apply their new skills and leadership language. This ensures alignment of goals and expectations between the new leader and his/her team members.
Post-workshop, participants will have a one-on-one phone coaching session with the workshop facilitator to address any concerns and ensure skills and knowledge have been internalised.
People-Centred Change Programme
Now is an era of rapid business transformation, brought on by digital disruption. Business transformation requires change to be cascaded from top down and across the organisation.
One of the key attributes of high-performance organisation is its ability to address people-centric change to enable sustainable transformation and breakthroughs. When this happens, employees will be engaged and committed resulting in higher success rate of achieving the desired change agenda and initiatives.
Participants of this 2-day programme will learn the critical success factors for change, its journey as well as developing an action plan for implementation.
Post-workshop, participants will have a one-on-one phone coaching session with the workshop facilitator to address any concerns and ensure skills and knowledge have been internalised.
The adage “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power” by philosopher and writer Lao Tzu who lived between the 4th and 5th century, showed he understood the fundamental truth that before you can lead others, you must first be able to lead yourself. Self-Leadership precedes People Leadership.
This programme makes the case for self-leadership and discusses the 5 characteristics of an emotionally intelligent Self-Leader, the 10 qualities of a Self-Leader and 4 tools a Self-Leader will need to succeed. Lastly, participants learn to apply 4 techniques to hone their self-awareness skills. Post programme, participants will have a clear understanding of what it takes to be a Self-Leader, both in their personal and professional fronts and will walk away with an employee-centric Self-Leader Dashboard specifically designed to enable them to achieve relationship and workplace success.
​Post-workshop, participants will have a one-on-one phone coaching session with the workshop facilitator to address any concerns and ensure skills and knowledge have been internalised.
The Leadership Suite also includes the following:​
Leading with Design Thinking
And many more..
Customised or contextualised training