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The Next Wave in Skills Development: Integrating the Science of Play using Board Games

Updated: Jul 9, 2018

Why Games For Learning?

In recent years, there is a growing trend of games adoption for learning and development by organisations. These games target various functional areas, business strategies and individual or team development for the organisation. The spectrum of game genres can cover topics such as financial literacy, lean management, career development, change engagement, sales and marketing, teamwork, mindset shift and communications tactics.

Games are relevant and meaningful because the inherent social interaction factors motivate employees to work harder in the regulated and friendly competition. These applications of games in the work areas such as staff development, fostering teamwork, customer relations and technical skills are increasingly seeing adoptions by businesses from various industries.

Board Games for Learning And Development

One relatively inexpensive approach that is getting traction in corporations is the use of customized board games as compared to high-end digital simulations (app-based or cloud-based games application). These board games can simulate engagement challenges and connections to desired organisational outcomes that are immersive experiences for employees.

One relatively inexpensive approach that is getting traction in corporations is the use of customized board games as compared to high-end digital simulations (app-based or cloud-based games application). These board games can simulate engagement challenges and connections to desired organisational outcomes that are immersive experiences for employees.

In Singapore, locally designed board games are receiving a strong market adoption and taking game-based learning to the next level. Games such as “Wongamania: Banana Economy” helps players to apply economic theories and financial literacy, “Career SUPERDRIVE” supports players to uncover their strengths and navigate potential career decisions, “Kunde! The Great Service Game” engage players in an immersive fun experience that focuses application of service-centric skills.

The Value of Board Games

Learning by playing addresses more than just a fun experience, instead, it supports the development of transferable skills to sustainable work performance. The infusion of these board games at work can have several lasting benefits for both employees and their organisation. A board game can provide stakeholders with a:

· Relatively inexpensive alternative to simulative scenarios for learning

· Platform to engage candid exchange of ideas and recommendations

· Structure of simplicity in game objectives and core mechanics play

· Clear overview and visualization of learning progress (Individual and team)

· Friendly and social competition that encourages interaction amongst employees and groups

· Talking point for areas of improvement and coaching

· Mechanism to motivate learners with ‘quick wins.’

The Takeaway

By purposefully incorporating the science of gaming into the business environment and inspiring employees to achieve organisational goals becomes simpler, more exciting and more engaging.


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